Each year UNC Charlotte’s Resident Students Association takes delegations of outstanding student leaders to three different conferences:

- The NACURH Annual Conference:
- NACURH, the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, is the national level of student housing leaders. NACURH encompasses 7 regions including PACURH, IACURH, MACURH, GLACURH, SWACURH, GLACURH, NEACURH, CAACURH, and SAACURH which is the region we are a part of. The NACURH conference takes place in late May or early June.
- The SAACURH Annual Conference:
- SAACURH, the South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls, is the regional level of student housing leaders. SAACURH encompass 9 sub-regions including FARH, KARH, SCORE, VACURH, ALURH, GRHO, MARHS, TARH, and NCARH which is the sub-region we are a part of. The SAACURH annual conference takes place in late October or early November.
- The NCARH Annual Conference:
- NCARH, the North Carolina Association of Residence Halls, is the state level of student housing leaders. NCARH’s sub-levels are the individual affiliated schools. The NCARH annual conference takes place during the month of February.